إدارة المخاطر
غير مصنف
إدارة المخاطر50 ث
فهم المخاطر (التعريف)3 د 31 ث
مناقشة الاجابة واحتمال الخسارة3 د 59 ث
العلاقة بين احتمالية الخسارة ودرجة المخاطرة6 د 19 ث
المخاطر الذاتية والموضوعية7 د 53 ث
المخاطر6 د 26 ث
تصنيف المخاطر16 د 56 ث
معالجة المخاطر55 ث
مراجعة ومراقبة المخاطر3 د 32 ث
وحدة ERM الوهمية1 د 39 ث
وحدة ERM الوهمية - إجابة12 د 5 ث
أظهر مهاراتك48 ث
معالجة المخاطر
معلومات إضافية
شهادة حضور
اللغة: English (US)
المدّة: ساعة 5 دقائق
All organizations, companies, and institutions face uncertainty in achieving their goals, so the importance of risk management comes in overcoming those problems through a systematic framework to increase the areas whose results can be controlled while reducing the area whose results are unpredictable and controllable. This course provides The basis for effective corporate risk management. After completing this course, participants will be able to understand the basics, key principles and applications of risk management for their organizations.
Develop, implement and monitor solutions-
- Understanding Risk (definition)
- Answering Discussion & Probability of loss
- The nexus between probability of loss and degree of risk
- Subjective and objective risks
- Risks, perils and hazards
- Classification of risks
- Treating risks
- Reviewing and monitoring risks
- Mock ERM module
- Mock ERM module - Answer
- Show your skills
- An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -
- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.
- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.
المشاهدات | |
195 | مجموع المشاهدات |
102 | مشاهدات الأعضاء |
572 | المشاهدات العامة |
الإجراءات | |
0 | الإعجابات |
0 | عدم الإعجاب |
0 | التعليقات |
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