إدارة المخاطر للمشاريع الناجحة


د. قاسم صالح

- حاصل على درجة الدكتوراه في علوم الكمبيوتر من جامعة أوتاوا ، كندا - مهندس تصميم برمجيات وأخصائي أنظمة كمبيوتر - أستاذ علوم نظم المعلومات بجامعة الكويت - نشر حوالي 130 بحثا في مجلات علمية وكتاباً دراسياً عن هندسة البرمجيات, وقدم دروساً وكحاضرات في الجامعات والمؤتمرات - حصل على شهادات مهنية في هندسة البرمجيات, أمن المعلومات, إدارة المشاريع وإدارة المخاطر, هندسة الجودة, وتحليل الأعمال

معلومات إضافية

شهادة حضور

اللغة: English (US)

المدّة: ساعتان 8 دقائق

مقدمة عن البرنامج

In project and program management, something can and will go wrong. Even successful projects must identify, assess, and mitigate risk. Solid risk management best practices are critical to delivering projects that adhere to timeframes, budgets, and quality requirements. You will learn different approaches to risk management, including how to rank and respond to risk, monitoring and controlling risk, and communicating risks throughout the project lifecycle. Risk is inevitable—but it doesn’t have to completely derail your project’s success.

·         Apply scalable planning methods to prepare for project risk management

·         Prepare a risk management plan to guide your risk approach

·         Identify project risks by using different identification tools

·         Integrate risk management techniques and results into a balanced project management approach

·         Use multiple techniques to identify and document risks

·         Perform qualitative risk analysis to prioritize risks for response and monitoring

·         Perform quantitative risk analysis to assess risk to the overall project cost and schedule objectives

·         Incorporate expected value, probability, and distribution into your risk analysis

·         Estimate and characterize the impact and timing of risks on your project

·         Determine and implement appropriate risk response strategies based on risk analysis

·         Monitor and control identified and emerging risks based on the risk management plan and project execution results

·         Communicate risks effectively to all project stakeholders

1.      Introduction

2.      What is Involved in Project Risk Management?

3.      Risk and Risk Management Terminology

4.      Risk and Risk Management Terminology – Part Two

5.      Planning for Risk Management and the Risk Management Plan

6.      Identifying Risks and the Risk Register

7.      Analyzing Risks Quantitatively and Quantitatively

8.      Risk Response Planning

9.      Risk Response Planning – Part Two

10. Monitoring Risks and Implementing Risk Responses

11. Concluding Remarks and What to Do Next

 An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -

- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.

- After completing the course and attending it completely, a window will appear, write your name in both Arabic and English, and you will get the certificate directly.

- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.

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