كيف تحقق أي شيء تريده


عبدالعزيز الحنيان

- حاصل على بكالوريوس العلوم في الهندسة الصناعية - فنان ومحرر وموزع حلقات صوتية مع مواضيع تتعلق بالإيجابية والتحفيز وحب الذات - حاصل على شهادة في إدارة الجودة وإدارة المشاريع - يحب التحدث أمام الجمهور والتقديم خاصة إذا كان يتضمن موضوعات من فئة التنمية الذاتية - مدرب تطوير حياة وصحة معتمد

معلومات إضافية

شهادة حضور

اللغة: English (US)

المدّة: 17 دقيقة

مقدمة عن البرنامج

Achieving anything you desire is something that everybody wants. Since Abdulaziz is part of the youthful generation hoping to make change, this course is targeting all the young daydreamers, students, and fresh graduates. However, everybody is welcome to take a look at how your dreams can in fact be achieved.

The course is broken down into 2 sections, the thinking (Cognitive Side) and the action (Physical Side). The thinking will give us insight about how our thought process from the past may contribute to us limiting ourselves from our goals and figure out ways to reconfigure that process. The physical side shows the legitimate action to start, plan out your goals, and concise ways of keeping track of them for proper achievement. We really hope you all find the course enjoyable and easy.

·         Use important self-reflection tools

·         Understand concepts about one’s conscious and subconscious mind

·         Reconfigure Limiting Beliefs to work out in one’s favor

·         Engage in the process of Goal Setting

·         Keeping Track of goal setting progress

1.       Setting an Intention

2.       Self-Reflection

3.       Limiting Beliefs

4.       Identifying Root Causes

5.    Rewriting The Limiting Beliefs

6.    Truth About Setting Goals

7.    Implementation

8.    Conclusion

 An online course that you can attend at any time that suits you with high quality. -

- To complete the rest of the course, kindly click on Join the course at the top of the screen or subscribe.

- After completing the course and attending it completely, a window will appear, write your name in both Arabic and English, and you will get the certificate directly.

- Certifications are accredited. Issued by the signature of the trainer and the management of the center.

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