
د. وليد اليازجي

- حاصل على درجة الدكتوراة في ادارة الموارد البشرية من جامعة لوس انجلوس , كاليفورنيا . - رئيس المعهد العالي للدراسات المصرفية. - يتمتع باكثر من ٢٥ سنة من الخبرات العملية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وأوروبا وفي دول الخليج في القطاع المصرفي وقطاع التأمين، كما في قطاعات البترول والصناعة. - حاصل على العديد من الشهادات المهنية المعتمدة SPHR, CII

معلومات إضافية

شهادة حضور

اللغة: English (US)

المدّة: ساعة 34 دقيقة

مقدمة عن البرنامج

High impact negotiation skills are critical to organizational success in the competitive business world of today. Whether designing joint ventures, closing business deals, or leading diverse teams, it is essential for managers and leaders at all levels to possess the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively present their ideas, analyze the interests of others, discover synergies, and reach agreements. The advanced negotiation skills program will provide delegates with a comprehensive and systematic approach for more effectively reaching win-win outcomes and closing agreements.

·         Go into any negotiation with full confidence in their overall grasp of the elements and skills involved.

·         Measure and assess the effectiveness of their own negotiation skills and styles and identify the strategies required for different negotiation situations.

·         Examine successful behaviors and styles used to manage critical negotiations effectively.

·         Plan successfully for every negotiation.

·         Identify possible Win-Win outcomes.

·         Negotiation Skills: From Concept to Practice

·         Negotiation Strategies & Techniques

·         Negotiations Phases: Process & Content to Reach a Deal

·         Identifying Possible Win-Win Outcomes

·         Measure and assess effectiveness of your own negotiation skills

With the rapid development, remote training and self-learning have become essential to ensure quick access to information and attend any online course at anytime and anywhere that suits you, and you can benefit from the best international experts.

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